3D Compression
Electric Chest Compressor

Leading Resuscitation 3.0


Chest Compression Navigator Real-time CPR Feedback

● Utilizing 3D Compression Technology and electric and electrically-powered mode.
● Battery work for at least 1 hour (in reality for a maximum of 2 hours).
● Total 3kg with the smallest size for more convenient use.
● Various angles can provide continuous compression during transfer.
● Leading the direction of cardiopulmonary resuscitation technology of ACCM worldwide.
● Smaller and lighter for use. High quality CPR in your pocket.
● Real-time monitoring, recording and feedback.
● Automatically remind when compression interruption exceeds 10s.
● Suitable for both training and clinical.
● Provide more complete indicators of high-quality CPR reports for review and analysis.
● Register information for the record of each patient in real time (OHCA & IHCA).
● Data transfer, case import & export, and rescuer information in a complete CPR analysis report.
● Pit Crew CPR is a “Team-oriented” CPR training system for EMS teams, which assists team leaders in guiding and managing CPR personnel, equipment and elements by monitoring CPR quality in real-time.
● Full recording of team resuscitation for more precise implementation of high-quality CPR training.
● Automatic generation of comprehensive CPR analysis report for overall resuscitation quality and key projects.
● Collecting monitoring, training, improvement and retrospective analysis functions in pit crew CPR to target the challenges of real-life cardiac arrest resuscitation for training.


3D Compression Electric Chest Compressor
Leading Resuscitation 3.0


Chest Compression Navigator
Real-timer CPR Feedback

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